Sunday, February 18, 2007

Fixing Your Feet

Fixing your feet is the name of a new link I've added. It's a site run by John Vonhof and it's all about bad feet. Specifically, feet that are injured or could be injured in extreme events, such as marathons or long hikes.
OK, OK, I know this is not riveting information for most people but I've been reading his book, a very big book, from cover to cover for the last few weeks. I read it every night before I go to sleep.
This morning I got up to make pancakes for my husband and there, miraculoulsy you might say, this foot shaped pancake appeared. I photographed it with my favorite Raggedy Anne doll, surrounded by the type of products you would want to use if your foot ever looked this bad.
Don't even think about bidding for it on Ebay, I ate it right after I took the picture. This is my body.


dowhat327 said...

awfully big bunion problem on your pancake.....

Anonymous said...

i think imelda needs a life.

Chaska Peacock said...

How wonderful! But, you burned the pancake. I have only made animal shaped pancakes, but I didn't burn them or photograph them. I have no imagination.