Tuesday, May 29, 2007

Silos Apocalypse, Part 2

I've continued to work on the Silos painting, and here's the lastest update.
Last week, I went to the Morgan Library with my 2 sisters to see a show about these apocalyptic paintings from Spain so I got to view in closeup how they look and also, how they were done. It's appears to be tempera or gouache and they covered mistakes with white paint, which has held up quite well over the years. They had almost an identical image, with the seven headed beast. Also, they were not as small as I had thought they would be...maybe 24 inches long.
So, here's the update. The painting is not quite as bright as the photo. I'm still learning as I go. Yesterday I had to cover a lot of the detail of the faces that I had done because I needed to white out the too thick lines and other mistakes. But it's all good, as the medieval monks used to say.


Chaska Peacock said...

Imelda, I think this is fabulous!
Ahhh....when it's finished I want to send it to Victor Delphin...He
would like it.

I am I said said...

Apocalypses are very in. I like it.

dowhat327 said...

Holy mackerel! Where in your brain did this world come from? Muy impressive.